Business Account Document Checklist
Planning on opening a business account today? We are here to help.
Based on the structure of your business, the following documentation will be required to open your account.
Sole Proprietorship
- Sole proprietor checklist
- Fictitious business name statement (if any)
- Complete certification by sole proprietorship (on business signature card)
- Business taxpayer ID number (can be owner’s EIN or SSN)
- United States federal or state-issued unexpired ID for any authorized signer(s)
Limited Partnership
- Partnership checklist
- Certificate of limited partnership
- Fictitious business name statement (if any)
- Complete certification by limited partnership (on business signature card)
- Business taxpayer ID number (can be owner’s EIN or SSN)
- United States federal or state-issued unexpired ID for any authorized signer(s)
Limited Liability Partnership
- LLP registration
- Fictitious business name statement (if any)
- Complete resolution by limited liability partnership (on business signature card)
- Business taxpayer ID number (can be owner’s EIN or SSN)
- United States federal or state-issued ID for any authorized signer(s)
- Corporation checklist
- Articles of incorporation
- If homeowners association (HOA), Statement of Common Interest Development Association will be needed
- Fictitious business name statement (if any)
- Resolution by corporation (on business signature card)
- Business taxpayer ID number (can be owner’s EIN or SSN)
- United States federal or state-issued unexpired ID for any authorized signers
- If corporation has non-profit status, determination letter will be needed
Limited Liability Company
- Limited liability company checklist
- Articles of organization
- Fictitious business name statement (if any)
- Resolution by LLC (on business signature card)
- Business taxpayer ID number (can be owner’s EIN or SSN)
- United States federal or state-issued ID for any authorized signer(s)
Unincorporated Association
- Associated checklist
- Registration of unincorporated non-profit association (if any)
- If home owners association (HOA), Statement of Common Interest Development Association will be needed
- Fictitious business name statement (if any)
- Business taxpayer ID number (can be owner’s EIN or SSN)
- United States federal or state-issued ID for authorized signer(s)